Wednesday, May 30, 2007
A picture worth a thousand words. Above is the picture I capture after I win $1000 from genting recently. The background is the outdoor theme in Genting Highland, enjoy the picture. I will show you the method next update. Stay tune ya! ;) If you have any tips to share with me, feel free to drop a comment below, thanks. :)
Technorati Tags: genting, revenue
Labels: Life Log
Monday, May 28, 2007
Traffic Secret - How You Get Traffic From Yahoo Answers(Free Ebook For Download)
3 responses Posted by LOUI$$ at 07:32
Hi guys, I still on the process to complete my tutorial now. By the way, here is some traffic secret I would share with you. There are a lot of opportunity to get instant traffic out there, but do you willing to try it? The choice is on your hand.
As I promise, below is the link you can get the traffic secret- How You Can Get Traffic From Yahoo Answers! Free ebook.
Feel free to share your opinion with me by drop a comment in this post.
Technorati Tags: yahoo answers, blog traffic, freebie, free ebook
Labels: Blog Traffics, Freebie
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Paypal IS Back To Normal, But Mine Have Limited Account Access
10 responses Posted by LOUI$$ at 14:07
What a great news here, we no need to provide US bank account to paypal anymore. So most of us are relieve now. Unfortunately something was happen to me. Paypal, I'm sorry if I do mistake, please forgive me and give back my money and account. All of the money I earn was come from my effort. I hope you can forgive my childish act when I key in the wrong US account number.
Is this situation happen to you too? Feel free to share with me here. Thanks
Technorati Tags: paypal
Labels: Paypal
Yup, still have a lot of hack to show you all, give me some little time and I will show to you all.
What hack will coming next?
1. Customizable recent comments widget Generator(using JSON feed) - This is darn cool stuff. Show your comments alive. It was using json feed to work my sidebar recently comments. You can generate all of your blog script in just a second with this generator:)
2. Customizable recent posts widget Generator (using JSON feed) - same as above function but it's for your posts, your latest posts show in your sidebar. :D
3. Navigation bar - A lot of bloggers request from me, but I have no time to explain. lol :P
I still have more hacks to display here, but I will do above 3 hacks for you all first, then continue others hacks. I go to a drive with my new motorbike I buy from blogging income. You can make easy money online too.
I will release Latest 3 column Kubrick in the middle of this month, keep update ya! ;)
Technorati Tags: blogging tools, blogging hack
Labels: Blogger 3.0
Friday, May 25, 2007
Who Watch Pirates Of Caribbean 3 With Nuffnang?(Please Come In!!!)
8 responses Posted by LOUI$$ at 00:44Wow... what a nice movie I watch yesterday. But It was 3 hours!!!! I just love the movie a lot when Jack Sparrow back in action with his funny action, worth to watch! Watch a special things is I watch with malaysian bloggers, just love it. But all the bloggers was quite silence yesterday, since I never meet with each other before.
I think hong kiat and 5xmom will go, but didn't meet them, (I never see hong kiat before). Yesterday I not brave enough to yell that : "HI EVERYONE, MY NAME IS LOUISS LIM FROM FAMOUS BLOGGING SECRET!LOL:D". At last I didn't do that(regret now! :() I saw a lot of chicks, and most of them are pretty chicks(I'm really lucky born as Malaysian and be a Malaysian blogger:P). I wanna walk to them and talk with them but have no chances. (regret again! :()
Luckily I have meet with a guy from s-o-o, Kelvin Soo. Really nice to meet ya ;)! Sorry guyz, the first person I saw is boss, Timohty and have a chance to shake hand with him. Other then that, I also saw a lot of pretty chicks, may you drop me a comments and I linkback to you please? I love gathering, thanks to nuffnang. I hope will have another gathering in future that can talk with each other and know each other better, at least can do some introduction, this time just a meet up, next time I won't miss to take some picture, great picture :D!
Drop me a comment with your link then I will linkback to you. If you like, exchange with me!(This only for Malaysian Bloggers Who Have Get Nuffnang Free Tickets!) :D
Technorati Tags: nuffnang, pirates of caribbean 3, malaysian blogger
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The "Big Bill", the richest man in the earth have 9 things that he never tell you before. Check it out:
1. Bill Gates earns $250 every SECOND, that's about $20 million a DAY
and $7.8 billion a YEAR!
2. If he drops a thousand dollars, he won't even bother to pick it up
because in the 4 seconds it takes to pick it up, he would have already
earned it back.
3. U.S's national debt is about $5.62 trillion. If Bill Gates wants to
pay his debt by himself; he will finish it in less than 10 years.
4. He can donate $15 to everyone on earth and still be left with $5
million for his pocket money.
5. Michael Jordan is the highest paid athlete in the U.S. If he
doesn't drink and eat, and keep his annual income at $30 million,
he'll have to wait for 277 years to become as rich as Bill Gates is
6. If Bill Gates were a country, he will be the 37th richest country on earth.
7. If you change all of Bill Gate's money to $1 bills, you can make a
road from earth to moon 14 times back and forth. But you will have to
make that road non-stop for 1400 years, and use a total of 713 BOEING
747 planes to transport all the money.
8. Bill Gates will be 42 this year. If we assume that he still can
live for another 35 years, he has to spend $6.78 million per day to
finish his money before his death.
9. BUT!!! If Microsoft Windows' users claim $1 for every time
their computers hang because of Microsoft Windows, Bill Gates will go
bankrupt in 3 years.
lol, this just a joke, feedback are always welcome! :D
Technorati Tags: bill gate, Microsoft Windows, funny
Labels: Funny
Monday, May 21, 2007
Blogger need to revolution too. Do you think your or can really make you a million? Maybe can, but why you wanna limit your sky? What I'm trying to tell you is when you get your first $10, please get a domain as soon as possible. now is really hard to get a domain. Someone get my domain out there but didn't use it, what a waste right? ;) So now, do you have make your first $10 yet? Not yet? Then please try with easy way from my >> make easy money online << tips.
After you make your first $10, you need to search for your domain, and you can check from below, you can know your domain available or not LIVE!!
After you get your domain, the you may buy it from The price is around $6.99 after use the promo code. If you wanna know how to get 6 domains name or 1 domains for 6 years for $9.95, please email me, I have some way to help you to do this. This is a secret that I can't post here, very privacy.
Feedback are welcome, just drop me a comment in the below section. Happy blogging and make easy money online!
Technorati Tags: domain, blogging revenue, blogging tools
Labels: Domain Names
Sunday, May 20, 2007
I just watch it yesterday, this movie just best for laughing. I love laughing and I enjoy it. Below trailer is the one of the best part from the movie. This movie plot is really nosence, but I'm the one who laugh loudest in the cinema. hahaha:D I give 8 over 10. If you addict for laugh, this 100% suit for you. :)
Don't try the last part of the trailer at home, or you cannot even process baby anymore. kakakakaka :D
Technorati Tags: blades glory, movie review
Labels: Movie
Saturday, May 19, 2007
To all my friends and readers, HAPPY I LOVE YOU DAY's. Surprise, today is a special days for chinese. The date May(5),20, is one of my favorite that I will celebrate with my X last time. What is the meaning of 520 in mandarin?
I Love You Day's actually for couple or for friends that they love. And I'm here to telling all my readers and X friend that:

Just greet to your lover or anyone you love today, it's really a special day to me, 54321.
Labels: Life Log
Friday, May 18, 2007
I love to watch movie, and what the best thing happen is I won 2 tickets of Pirates Of Caribbean 3: At Word's End; just few days ago from Nuffnang. I will going with who? Not sure yet about it, since I have no girl friend now. :D Anyone wanna join me?
So let's talk about the movie. I watch the trailer and I love one part of it. When Will Turner ask Elizabeth Swann to marry with him while they are fighting, so funny but he just have the romantic sense on him.:D If I ask my girl friend marry, maybe I should try this method ya? ;)
Technorati Tags: pirates of caribbean 3, movie reviews
Labels: Movie
Thursday, May 17, 2007
There are always many people ask me how to create a blog with blogger dot com, and I need to write a pretty long guideline for them. Now you just follow the video and you will get a blog. Peow... This really suit for those just wanna start a free blog host. Good luck!
Technorati Tags: blogger, blogging revenue, blogging tools, blogging hack
Labels: Blogger 3.0, Blogger Tricks, Blogging Tools now enhance with autosaving of draft posts to the Blogger post editor. I love it! Just check it out ya!
So say "goodbye" to lost blog posts. You won't miss them anymore.
Technorati Tags: blogger
Labels: Blogger 3.0, Blogging Tools
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Another great reviews that I received. Thank you to you all who those keep help me to improve my blog. I really appreciate it!
Here are the 4 reviews from the Season 5:
1. Piggy Bank
2. Tech Make
3. Shopautodotca Seocontest
4. Cyber Storm
5. The Millionaire Secret
How To Do A Review And Make Easy Money Online
To do a Make Easy Money Online review, all you have to do is Link to this blog’s home page with the anchor text “make easy money online” and link to this post showing the rules of the review. Here is an example of what I want:
Blogging Secret is blog that helps you make easy money online. If you do a review of his blog under the PPP rules, you can make your first ever $7.50 plus a linkback from his blog.
I will link to anyone who reviews my blog. Just make sure it’s a real review and not tossed in with another post. I no longer link to those. This is a very good way get a free backlink from a PR5 blog and make your first ever $7.50 via online.
Technorati Tags: review, linkback
Labels: Review My Blog
Paypal want us to include US bank account? This is just an excuse for them for push us to jump into the sea. They trying to fool us? Then now we fool them back! :P
I just receive all the payment, just relieve my stress on this issues. Make me nervous and worry, paypal really suck!
So you also want the tricks right?
This was how I do some trick to receive my pending payment:
1. Go to Overview -> Click Profile
2. In Financial Information column -> Click Bank Account
3. Type the following information as below:
- Bank Name: The Bank of New York
- Account Type: Checking
- Routing Number: 021000018
- Account Number: 104000850850185
- Re-enter Account Number: 104000850850185
4. Check main account page
5. Accept outstanding payments if its not already done so automatically
6. Remove Bank Account
TAKE NOTE- The bank account stated above does not exist and it was just a random number I guess. Do ensure the Routing Number remains the same but you must change the Account Number. Quickly remove the bank account payment receive. Super fast remove the Bank Account! Do it in your Own Risk!
Peow... all done. Paypal trick us? Then we get them back now! hahaha! Thanks Daryl!:D
Technorati Tags: paypal, paypal suck, paypal trick, blogging hack
Labels: Blogger Tricks, Paypal
Monday, May 14, 2007
No one tag me before and this is the first time for me have been tagged by someone, thanks ya little Dania.
I have to give five reasons why I blog and tag five other bloggers.
So here I'm:
1. My girl friend leave me because I blogging. I wanna show everyone who don't believe me will success in bloggersphere. I must and will blogging until I get 5 figure income per month.
2. Blog can make someone from nothing to something, not is impossible, impossible is nothing.
3. Make more easy money online, I know how to earn it, that's why easy. ;)
4. I have a dream, I wanna be a successful blogger, can be one of the top blogger in Malaysia and World.
5. Can meet with blogger with the different interest in the world, can make friend when do something that we love to do. I can read others blogs, stories and news from around the world.
Now I will tag this meme to(I wanna ask them long long time ago):
1. James Yeang
2. Hong Kiat
3. Maki
4. ilker
5. Darly Lau
Labels: Blogger 3.0
Sunday, May 13, 2007
How To Make $1000 From Casino In Just 2 hours - God Of Gamblers Secret - Part 1
0 responses Posted by LOUI$$ at 18:34Hello, I just come back from my hometown, after I won $1000 from Genting Casino. Maybe you think is my luck(little bit), but mostly come from the rules of gambling where I learn from recently. The games that give me $1000 is Roulette. I will share
the secret beside of the winning. I called this the God Of gamblers Secret.
God Of Gamblers Secret
This secret utilises the High – Middle – Low style of betting to start off with a low bet and then build up to a much higher level. Rather than betting on single number which give you a 1 in 36 chance of winning (not good!) this system gives you a 1 in 3 chance of winning. we are going to use this method in a certain way that we can dramatically increase our chances of winning.
There are three sections that you will be betting on – the High, Middle and Low sections as indicted on the screenshot above i.e. the 1st 12 numbers, 2nd 12 numbers and 3rd 12 numbers.
For the Low section, any number between 1-12 will give you a win.
For the Middle section, any number between 13-24 will give you a win.
For the High section, any number between 25-36 will give you a win.
By betting normally on these three sections, the odds are 1:3 meaning that if you want to just break even, you have to win at least one out of every 3 spins.
However, by using this method correctly, you will be able to increase those odds in your favour so that you will only need to get one win out of every 17 spins. The law of averages says that you should be able to get over 4 wins out of those 17 spins!
Will continue part 2....
Technorati Tags: casino, make money, god of gamblers, blogging hack
Labels: Life Log, List Of Secrets
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Hey guys, do you know why I'm on leave recently? well, I'm going back to hometown and pass this coming mother day's with her. I don't want too concentrate on blogging, so I need to balance my life, take care of my own family, and just take some rest.
This post is to my mum, I didn't tell her that I write this post for her, I hope she will read it one day. Mum, I wanna tell you, how much I love you. How high is the sky, that how far I love you. The sky have no limit, my love for you too. I will take care of you all my life.
You are the first person I meet when I come out to the world. You are my best friend, and a good listener too. I'm so sorry if I'm naughty when I still small and childish. I never mean to hurt your heart, but I still don't know how to think on that time, hope you will forgive me.
When I'm trouble, you will be the first person come to help me. I still remember at year 2002, I get accident near our house area we stay there, that time all my face is bleeding and I faint down. Someone have send me to hospital, and I unconscious.
When I'm in the dream that time, I was searching for you, I called:"mum,mum, where are you? I need you, mum!". Well, after I moaning about that, I just awaken and I saw you at my side. I straight away cry and hug you, I'm so miss you. You will always at my side whenever I need you. I love you mum.
When I said I wanna continue study, you are the first person help me to search for financial aids. I know that time you had financial problem, but thanks god, we have go through all this. When I just broke up with my X, you will call and ask me my condition, m I ok? Well mum, I always put you at the top in my heart. Nothing will make me to stop loving you. I care you.
Just now I treat you eat the dinner, do you love it? Most of the money I treat you come from blogging, I hope you will like it ya! Mum, what I can do for you this mother day? I saw you getting fatter recently, I just book a exercise bicycle for you to get exercise when you are free. I know you will never get sweat if you always at home. This is special for you.
I don't know what I should give you, I know money is not the most important for you, I want you to have a good health. I wanna you to company for a long long time. I won't let anyone take you away from me. Maybe my partner will with me, but I will always need you by my side to support me. You are the energy for me to live, without you, there will no me now.
I will make your day bright, I will do my best to make you happy. I will make more money to get better stuff for you in future. Mum, I know you will see me success in blogging world, I love you. I wanna pass many many mother day's with you, so you better take a good diet and health food ya! ;)
To all bloggers, please, don't forget every of us have a mother, don't forget them, without them, there will no us. If you making money online now, please buy something for them. Maybe you can treat her a dinner, create a card or maybe cook "red eggs" for her.
Technorati Tags: mother
Labels: Life Log
Friday, May 11, 2007
How to make yourself happy today? Not feeling good, can't make yourself smile? People always said that pictures worth a thousand words, do you feel it now? Just make ourself happy everyday, blogger need to smile too, just like the yellow one! :D
Technorati Tags: smile
Labels: Funny
Labels: Life Log
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Today we play a game here, how many RSS service that provider to you in this blog? You wanna check it out?
Please follow below instruction:
You just hover your mouse to the subscriber in my sidebar, just like below picture.
After you check it out,please leave a comment in this post, share with me what is your experience! :D
Technorati Tags: game
Labels: Funny
What a cool new look Google Analytics have. I just can't resist it! Do you know that Google Analytics(GA), is one of the Top 3 Most Awesome blogging tools of the year 2006?
What is the new features for the new version of Google Analytics?
- Email reports and improved clarity of graphs allow users to explore and discover new insights.
- Customizable dashboards ensure the right data gets to the right people at the right time.
- Plain language descriptions of the data allow users to take action to improve their web site.
Google Analytics new users who just register will enjoy this new platform. Existing users(like me) will transition during the coming weeks and will have use the old interface for another 30 days.
If you haven't use this FREE service from Google yet, I highly recommended you to use Google Analytics for your traffic tracking purpose. You may sign up here. ;)
Technorati Tags: google, blogging tools
Labels: Blogging Tools, Google, Tech News
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Recently I thinking about this matter, don't know why. After I break up last month, I mostly spend my time with blogging and help other bloggers to solve their blog problem. After all, I still need to think about my future and my life. I cannot run from this.
How long would I wanna be a blogger? For my whole life? Well, I really think to be a blogger for my whole life! No kidding. But is that blogger is also count as a profession or career? For now, Malaysia not include blogger as a profession. So who is a blogger? Who always update contents for readers and himself in their interest while make money from 1000 advertisers. I have a question to all the bloggers around the world, will you marry with a blogger?
Technorati Tags: blogger
Labels: Life Log
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Hi guys, make easy money online again? Do you feel bore with too easy to make money online? I hope you don't. That is really easy. But today a bit different, I will recommend you one of the best selling links market in the internet, Text-Link-Ads.
Some of you must be familiar with Text-link-ads, they do pay well too when we affiliate new blogger to them. This is my 2nd source of income. Do you know that blogspot blogger can make money too with selling links at Text-Link-Ads?
Until now I haven't make any sales with selling links but I would recommended you to join Text-Link-Ads. Why? Do you know that when you refer a webmaster or blogger to this program you will earn $25 per person? Well, this is what I earn from. I just wanna share with you. I have get my first payment on Feb 2007.
What you should have before start applying this program?
1. A blog or website.
2. At least google PageRank(PR) 2.
3. You dare to apply.
Nothing to lose if you didn't success. Let say you success, you have the opportunity to duplicate $25 as many as you can.
What are you waiting for? Sign Up Now! I can do it, so are you!
Technorati Tags: digg, blogging revenue, blogging tools, blogging hack
Labels: Blogging Revenue, Make Money Online, Text-Link-Ads
Friday, May 4, 2007
One of the review about my blog from the 2nd season had critic about my blog doesn't have contact form to contact me. So I wondering around and found out about Contactify.
I create my contact form just within a minute. Super fast! I really busy with my stuff so I have no time to hack the real one. I would recommended those busy bloggers have a simple contact form like mine, at least. So if you wanna contact me, just click on Contact Me.
Technorati Tags: contact form, blogging tools, blogging hack
Happy day guys, another season we reach now, there are more and more reviews and getting on Blogging Secret,and I love it a lot. Most of my changes of this blog is because of those reviews. A lot of suggestion from readers and other blogger for me to improve my blog appearance. A million thanks to you all, thank you. If not you all support me till today, I'm not the Louiss that you now reading what I'm writing here.
Here are the 5 reviews from the Season 4:
2. Googlee Adsense
3. Blogger Unity
4. The Nozh Blog
What a great day I have. 5 entries enough for now. 1 review is waiting for the season 5 and another 4 to go.
How To Do A Review And Make Easy Money Online
To do a Make Easy Money Online review, all you have to do is Link to this blog’s home page with the anchor text “make easy money online” and link to this post showing the rules of the review. Here is an example of what I want:
Blogging Secret is blog that helps you make easy money online. If you do a review of his blog under the PPP rules, you can make your first ever $7.50 plus a linkback from his blog.
I will link to anyone who reviews my blog. Just make sure it’s a real review and not tossed in with another post. I no longer link to those. This is a very good way get a free backlink from a PR5 blog and make your first ever $7.50 via online.
Technorati Tags: review my blog, blogging revenue, linkback, freebie
Labels: Review My Blog
Another blogger tricks for you guys today. You My blog now enhance with a little code that make all my post get smile. That is great right? We now can express our emotion while blogging with blogger. After I use this tricks, I feel that all my posts are alive, like I'm inside every posts in this blog.
Do you wanna feel that too? Well, and again, you just need 3 easy steps to complete this blogger smile.
1. Go to inside your template > edit HTML> tick on Expand Widget Templates and search for this:
2. Copy and paste the following code BELOW ]]></b:skin>:
<script src=' ' type='text/javascript'/>
3. Save template, and you done! Easy? Thanks to benjamin.
Inside the script that I provide, is contain of below emoticon, so you can practice it for more fun.
:) or :-)

:D or :-D

:$ or :-$

:( or :-(

:p or :-p

;) or ;-)

:k or :-k

:@ or :-@

:# or :-#

:x or :-x

:o or :-o

If you need help, please feel free to drop the question in my comment
Technorati Tags: blogger tricks, blogging tools, blogging hack
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Well, time past so quick. Blogging Secret already 7 months olds, hurray!:D So many thing happen within it. I haven't update Blogging Secret achievement for quite a long time. I just wanna share with you what have this blog get so far:
1. Top 50 communities in MyBloglog. Blogging Secret rank in Top 30.
2. Technorati ranking: 8,230 of 71 million blogs. 400 blogs links to this blog. Fave by 110 members. Thank to Triple Xchange.
3. Alexa ranking: 131,274.
4. Feedburner readers: 199 readers. Thanks to Feed My Fed.
5. Google PageRank(Pr) of 5.
6. 862 members in Mybloglog communities.
7. Earn X,XXX usd in 7 months. Make easy money online with blogging, that is great!
8. Keyword "blogging secret" is Top 1# in Google and Yahoo search engine.
9. Top 70 blogs in Malaysia. Ranking in Top 30 blogs. Thanks Malaysia.
10.One of the 2000 bloggers project. You can see my handsome picture there. :P
Seem like working well, I will get better in next update. At least pr6. :D I will post out my 10 sources of make easy money online on my next post. Stay tune. ;)
Technorati Tags: make easy money online, blogging revenue, blogging tools, blogging traffic
Labels: Blog Traffics, Blogging Tools
Here is only few steps to create alexa traffic rank widget for your blogger.
1. Please visit
2. Choose the widget layout.
3. Enter the url of your website.
4. Copy and paste the code in the HTML widget.
You like my alexa layout widget? Then here is another One Click Widget for you, just click the button below to install it on your Blog.
*Take NOTE(You need to change the blog URL to yours.

In case you like this one, just click the button below to install it on your Blog.
Technorati Tags: alexa, blogging traffic, blogging tools, blogging hack
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
I'm tired, really tired. I need to study and blogging everyday and now is exam period, so tired to read those books. After I finish this post, I will start my journey to Genting Highland, City Of Entertainment, or known as a City Of :D, they is the only one casino in Malaysia, that's Genting. So I will go there to have fun, and maybe will gamble a bit since I just cross 21 recently. ;)
2007 is year of traveling in Malaysia, government have launch a program, Visit Malaysia 2007. Genting to work with this campaign, they have come out with a holiday plan, called 888 deal. 8 for Chinese is a great number, that's mean "rich". Do I will get rich after I join this holiday plan? lol :D.
This is for us, customer to enjoy absolutely cheap room rate with high standard quality during year 2007. We can get as low as RM38.88 per room for 2 days 1 night. If you prefer 3 days 2 night package, it's just R48.88. WOW...perfect plan for me! So cheap!!!! This is what I have looking for. Normally is cost around RM185-RM300, depend on session you go there. I have choose RM38.88 package, since I will have exam after 2 days.
What I will get from RM38.88? A standard room in First World Hotel with breakfast for 2 person. This plan is too worth for me, one word, cheap! But you need to register online and pay with credit or debit card. I paid it with debit card, and it's work. This 38.88 package is apply only for Malaysian and Singaporean. Just visit their website here to register. Don't be too sad to those guys from oversea, they have another package for you. You can get as low as $17.88 usd. Just visit here.
Well, I had been work at there for 2 years before I'm back to study. So I know there very well and also have a lot of memorable I have leave there. I will update and keep in touch with you guys in top of the mountain then. Anyone with me? :D
Technorati Tags: genting, travel, life log
Labels: Life Log
Blogging,Tutorials,Tricks,Technology,Reviews,Gadgets,Tips and Make Easy Money Online.