Friday, February 23, 2007
Hi there, i have stop writing about tutorial recently, why? Because I'm a busy man too!lolz! Today, i just wanna show you a short tutorial of how to add a bookmarklet in your blog, anywhere you like!
If you aware, the footer of my post got a "Bookmark This!", this is for you to bookmark my post in the any social bookmarklets in the Last time i prefer image of those social bookmarklet show up in my post, but that make my blog to load slow, sometime take until 1 minute to appear my blog on you screen. Now i change to Bookmark This! for more convenient. Below is the short tutorial for blogger v3.0 or blogger beta.
3 steps to go:
1. Go to Template > Edit HTML > click on Expand Widget Templates.
2. Copy below code and paste it in your desire space:
<a expr:href='"" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Bookmark anywhere with Extreme Socializer' >Bookmark This!</a>
3. Save it, you're done!
If you face any doubt on this, drop me a comment, i help you!
Technorati Tags: digg, blogging toturial, blogging tools, bookmarklet
Labels: Blog Traffics, Blogging Tools
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Wow...never heard before that Britney Spears have a blogging secret? Then you must thanks to kumiko for her interesting fact of Britney Spears! She show the lesson that learn from Britney Spears, worth a read!
via: [kumiko]
Technorati Tags: britney spears, blogging traffic, blogging secret
Labels: Curious
Hello to all, i just make up my decision to do the review on Pay Per Post, one of the blog ad network that have let a lot of bloggers make money from it. But why they can give high paying opportunity to the bloggers since others not? Here is some secret:
Pay Per Post just charges a 35% service fee compared to ReviewMe that charges a 100% markup. ReviewMe are taking half of your money for every post.
In this case, Pay Per Post can give you more high paying opportunity more often and put more money in your pocket!
So Pay Per Post make sense for high traffic and lower traffic bloggers alike.
Before you wanna join this Pay Per Post, you must have below standard requirements first:
1.You must be 18 to participate or have written consent by a legal guardian.
2.All posts must be in English on a blog written in the English language.
3.Your blog must also be at least 90 days old, verifiable by a third party index of the site.
At last, i would recommended new blogger to join this program if you want some cash NOW. To join this program, please click the below picture:
Technorati Tags: blogging revenue, blogging tools, payperpost
Labels: Blogging Revenue, PayPerPost
What an interest topic here, at last i found 2 pictures to proof that SlashMySearch are true, today.
The first picture was paid on 13 of Feburary 2007, click below picture to enlarge:
The second picture was paid on 16th of Feburary 2007, that's mean 6 days ago, click below picture to enlarge:
All of the above pictures pictures was pay via paypal, i'm sure you will have different view about SlashMySearch now!
So you are new to SlashMySearch? I write some short preview about it as below:
1.Register for free than Use your link to searching and Earn money
2.Earn up $180 a month without referral and over $1,900 with referral
3.Its Free and easy to earn money just for searching on the net
4.Search engine with Yahoo, eBay, Jobs salary and
5.You can see your realtime earning statistic at login page
6.Monthly payment with Minimum $50 to: E-gold, Paypal, Cheque
7.First payment if you already joined 2 months as member
8.Have proof that payment have paid to member
What are you waiting? This is your golden moment to join, no download needed!
Join SlashMySearch- Search N Earn Program Now
Technorati Tags: slashmysearch, blogging revenue, blogging tools, proof
Labels: Blogging Revenue, SlashMySearch
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
You heard about Z list before? No right? This from DoshDosh who include me in the list as a recomended blogging blog, what an honour for me, thanks maki!
What is the Z list for? Is for you to share blogs or websites that you find interesting with other bloggers. This give me 100+ backlinks and boost my technorati rank to 18,044, and this is very impressive. Do you wanna this kind of link too? Get the latest Z list by clicking here.
Technorati Tags: z list, blogger, blogging tools, blogging traffic
Labels: Blog Traffics, Blogging Tools, Technorati
Hi to lovely readers, i just finish reforming my blog since is change back to minima template recently, so i wanna ask a question here, is this template cool? If yes get yours from here:
Technorati Tags: template, kubrick themes, blogging tools, blogging hack
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Hi hi, is me again, Louiss Lim! Few days i go back to my hometown to celebrate chinese new year, something happen to feedburner. That is my feedburner count increase by 40%, what a shock!!! Some said feedburner have been hack, some said feedburner got internal problem but actually all wrong!!!!
Here is the reason:
1. Google just show their number of Google Reader and Google Personalized subcribers number in the feedburner!
2.I change my template to minima 3 columns,so loading time is faster then my 3 columns kubrick template!
3.Blogging Secret have more visitors from google, i love google!
This is a good start for 4 months old blog, 153 know...this just a blog to share my blogging skill. So please coming if you thirsty for blogging secret, c ya soon...
Technorati Tags: feedburner, blogging traffic, blogging tools
Labels: Blog Traffics, Blogger 3.0, Blogging Tools, Feedburner
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Hi......"Xin Nian Kuai Le, Gong Xi Fa Cai"!!! I now celebrating new year, chinese new year. All chinese will celebrate this festival once a year, and this year is for "PIG". But for me this year is boring, because my home town don't have internet connection. I will be back in this few days with a new template!
UPDATED : SlashMySearch have a member prove to get their money already, please click here to view. So to sign up slashmysearch to earn money? Just click here.
Technorati Tags: slashmysearch, lifelog, blogging revenue, chinese new year, blogger
Labels: Life Log
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy late valentine to all my friends, i just finish date tonight, so good! Any of you have girl friend or wife? Did you buy some present for them? My present? I just repair a necklace that have been broken last time! The necklace is my first time valentine present, but her spoilt it after that..... so i get repair then this year be my valentine present again! haha!! I save a lot of money man! :P
UPDATE:Slash My Search i get around 68 peoples join it, direct 48 people, 20 2nd tier! So good!
Technorati Tags: blogging revenue, blogging tools, valentine
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Since both is free, i wanna make some comparison and write some pros and cons of Agloco and Slash My Search! Now the best versus the best, who will be the winner?
Round 1
Own The Internet
Slash My Search
Search N earn Program
Since own the internet is bigger vision than search N earn, this round Agloco cool~!
Agloco 1- SlashMySearch 0
Round 2
Refer up to 5 level of people.
Slash My Search
Refer only up to 3 level of people.
Oh, Agloco win with easy, by 2 level!
Agloco 2- SlashMySearch 0
Round 3
Need to download Viewbar, but available in March.
Slash My Search
Just get an url with your id and search it NOW!
Slash My Search can give the flexibility for this point, Slash My Search get it!
Agloco 2- SlashMySearch 1
Round 4
Function of The Tools
Search (which lets us get you money from search engine companies)
Contextual ads (which lets us get you money from advertisers)
Anti-fraud and other software utilities (which lets us get you money from software companies)
Slash My Search
They are able to "slash" through more of the junk and find you the most relevant results.
They filter results from Yahoo, AltaVista, Excite, the Google search engine, our databases and several other sources.
They also track what results are visited the most and refine our database with that information.
Introducing new and search.
Slash My Search show more benefit to us than Agloco since they have new search engine from ebay to let us search when we really wanna buy something! I give Slash My Search 1 point!
Agloco 2- SlashMySearch 2
Round 5
Short Term Earning Scheme
Estimate 1.25 per hours and 1 month only for 5 hours, total earning without referrer per month is 12.5!
Slash My Search
Would be only 0.25 per hours but you can surf 24/7 all over in a month and possible to can earn up to 180 per month!
In Short term, Slash My Search win!
Agloco 2- SlashMySearch 3
Round 6
Long Term Earning Schemes
direct refer 10 peoples and Estimate that every group have 5 peoples and all surf for 5 hourss per month, you will earn 9767.50!Wow!
Slash My Search
Direct refer 10 peoples and estimate 3 level is also getting 10 peoples refer and search for 24 hours per month, then you get up to 1980
This round Slash My Search is insane, how can a human online search for 24 hours a day? Agloco wins!
Agloco 3- SlashMySearch 3
Since both still in BETA, so this time i pefer to be draw. I wish that Slash My Search can have a great design and wish Agloco can run their system ASAP!
If you are not joining yet with agloco or SlashMySearch, then SIGN UP AGLOCO HERE and SIGN UP SLASHMYSEARCH HERE
Technorati Tags: agloco, slashmysearch, blogging revenue, blogging tools, make money online
Labels: Agloco, Blogging Revenue, SlashMySearch
Monday, February 12, 2007
Hi to all, good news here, deniz from imessengr blog is BACK! You can Check from !
Technorati Tags:
Labels: Blogger 3.0, Tech News
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Hi everyone, today i try to review this product, SlashMySearch(aff). May you haven't heard it before, because it just a new service some sort like agloco!
What is Slash My Search(aff)?
A search engine that introducing new and search. Two types are available for eBay, a regular eBay search and an eBay Typo search. Slash My Search(aff) will try to refine your query and seamlessly take you to eBay.
How Slash My Search help us?
With less people viewing these listings, or maybe none at all, these auctions are not bid up and you can save a bundle! Don't buy from eBay until you try searching through Slash My Search first!
Is that Slash My Search safe?
Slash My Search leading security features also warns you about websites with potential security exploits, viruses, trojans, spyware and other web nuisances.
What can we get when browser with Slash My Search(aff)?
You can earn money with every click you made on the Slash My Search(aff).
Do we have to pay anything?
Without to spend a dime, it's FREE. (This is my point^^)
Will we be spammed?
No, our email address will never be shared or sold to any other company. Also, they will only email you up to 2 advertisements per month. We will never flood your inbox with spam.
If we introduce Slash My Search to others,how much we get?
Click Below (aff):
How much can we earn?
Maximum $180 per month or $0.25 per hour.
Wow....I love it man! Yeah!
Will we be spammed?
No, our email address will never be shared or sold to any other company. Also, they will only email you up to 2 advertisements per month. We will never flood your inbox with spam.
If we introduce Slash My Search(aff) to others,how much we get?
Click Below:
How much can we earn?
Maximum $180 per month or $0.25 per hour.
They pay us?
They pay us via paypal or check if your earning reach $ 50 .
Wow....I love it man! Yeah!
My Opinion
Since Google and Yahoo never pay us when searching something, but Slash My Search(aff) pay us.
Please click on the link if you wanna help me increase earn, i will get 0.15 when you join, if you go direct to their homepage without my link, the company earn all! Why not help me right? Thanks^^
For more information please visit Slash My Search(aff) or click HERE.
So again, what are you waiting for? Join it NOW (aff)! Express link, click HERE.
Technorati Tags: make money online, money, blogging revenue, blogging tools, slash my search
Labels: Blogging Revenue
Haiz....My blog Loading time take more than 10second, or sometime take 1 minutes plus, feel s.u.c.k! I lost a lot visitors lately. I wont give up, i will catch back soon with my new template from an italy friend design. I will introduce my friend in my next post!
So I will stop blogging until my friend finish design my template, maybe tomorrow or 2 days or 1 week or ...don't know la.... I wish he can finish it as soon as posible before i wanna give up....
So all my friends, readers and visitors.... I will be back soon....
Labels: Life Log
Friday, February 9, 2007
Dear all bloggers, this maybe not my stlyes, but I need to show my kindness as a blogger and would like to seek help in favor of (Deniz Akay, aka protesto) who's blogs has been deleted by Blogger thinking that it was a spam....and i am sure i have read his blog lately and didn't see any kind of spams read this!
He is literally hurt and sad for his blogs, i honestly believe all of you could help Deniz Akay to restore back his blog!
So, if you want to help him , drop an email to blogger :
If you have a blogger account, you can use this form as well.
Let's all join and help Deniz Restore his Blog Back, before it happen to us.
Read this Thread Posted by Deniz
This is a post chains, please help him to spread the word by posting this again in your blog, thanks!
Technorati Tags: seniz, blogger, help, google
Labels: Tech News
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Do you know that google webmaster tools help you? If yes, then is great! If no, please continue reading this post.
Recently google webmaster central have been updated. And here some interest point to share with you!
What you can do with this webmaster tools?
To view a much larger sample of links to pages on your site that google found on the web.
Why is this interesting?
Google have divided the world of links into two types: external and internal.
It that useful?
Yes, you can know how many link to a particular post in your blog.
I recomended to all webmaster and blogger, just click here.
Technorati Tags: google, webmaster, google webmaster, seo, blogger
Labels: Blogging Tools, SEO
Hi to all my readers! Special new to Blogging Secret readers and visitor! Do you heard 2000 bloggers before? This is an inspiration by Tino who wanted to bring 2000 of bloggers together on a single page since January 14, 2007.
But unfortunately, Technorati try to smake down 2000 Bloggers recently, but do Technorati control or Blogosphere? But it's still open to public now with 300 spaces left, via Tino.(Extra*Elaine, Tino asistant,she have removed the first 300 bloggers because they were added to the list without asking to be added! So total are 600 now!).
So who are in the 2000 bloggers list? Darren, JohnChow and so on....are join in, why not you put your face in too? It's cool man~!
How to make the request?
Just drop a comment in 2kbloggers with a link to your blog and a link to a photo of your face. First come first serve basis.
What you waiting for? Click this express link, HERE.
Technorati Tags: traffic, 2000 bloggers, blogger, hot, blogging secret, technorati
Labels: 2000 Bloggers, Blog Traffics, Blogger 3.0
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
What do you feel when someone paid you by put a link in your blog? I feel SUPER great! Wow! I just get paid by money4blogs just now, this is a nice start for Blogging Secret! Now the legend of making money online become true!
Below picture is the statement of transcation in my paypal (click to enlarge):
Ok, who can join this?
Anyone who have a blog or website!
How they judged your blog?
Depends on your blogs popularity, page rank and age.
How does this work?
You email just need to submit your blog url, then make you an offer for a link via your email.
What you should do when you get offer?
Paste the link that they provide to you into your blog or website for a year.
How much they paid?
Where to submit your blog or website url?
Just ok if you wanna make money for display a link for one year. Overall, i recomended you to have a try since you lose nothing when you try, right?
Technorati Tags: blogging revenue, money4blogs, make money online
Labels: Blogging Revenue
Ok, now fast and easier ways to show Digg Button on your blog in every single post in just a minutes! So how to do that? then you must continue read this!
Step 1:
Save your template, as a backup if you fail to do it.
Step 2:
Go to template > edit HTML > tick on Expand Widget Templates > and search this code under <div class='post-header-line-1'/>:
Step 3:
Paste the below code AFTER <data:post.body/> if you want the digg button show up at the end of your post or BEFORE <data:post.body/> On the top of your post.
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Step 4:
Congratulation! You are done! Now Digg Button will show up on every single post on your blog!
Technorati Tags: blog traffics, blogging tools, digg, digg button
Labels: Blog Traffics, Blogging Tools,
Monday, February 5, 2007
This is my part 2 after Show Digg Button In Your Blog (Blogspot), here is another short tutorial for you.
Ok, you wanna show digg button in your post like below of this post? Then follow this you are on the right blog!
Just 4 simple steps:
1. Copy and paste below code into your post(any place,up tp you):
<script type="text/javascript">
digg_url = 'DIGG_PERMALINK_URL';
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
2. Replace DIGG_PERMALINK_URL to your digg url, that look something like this:
3. When you click "PUBLISH", this messenge will pop up:
Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not allowed:"
4.You just need to tick the box with "Stop showing errors for this post", then click "PUBLISH" again.
This tutorial nice? Then DIGG IT!
*Ultimate Digg Button Guides-In Every Single Post Part.3
Technorati Tags: blog traffics, blogging tools, digg, digg button
Labels: Blog Traffics, Blogging Tools,
Digg was another source of traffic that have prove by many in blogsphere. If your blog have been dig by someone(or by your own)in, you would wish that your readers or visitors may digg for you too, right? I have one in my blog, locate at my top left sidebar. Do you want to have it too?
So to show the button in your blog(blogspot), is just need to follow few steps:
1. Go to dashboard > Template > Add a Page Element > Choose HTML/JavaScript then add to blog.
2. Paste below code into the widget:
(Normal Styles)
<script type="text/javascript">
digg_url = 'DIGG_PERMALINK_URL';
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
or this:
(Compact Stlyes)
<script type="text/javascript">
digg_url = 'DIGG_PERMALINK_URL';
digg_bgcolor = '#ff9900';
digg_skin = 'compact';
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
(you may change the background color digg button or the digg skin.*In bold.)
3. You must replace the DIGG_PERMALINK_URL to your post digg url.
and it should be like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
digg_url = '';
digg_bgcolor = '#ff9900';
digg_skin = 'compact';
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
4. Then you click save.
Let Blogging Secret Grow,Digg IT!
If anyone wanna join my digg hubs, please contact me via email!
*Ultimate Digg Button Guides-In Every Single Post Part.3
Technorati Tags: blog traffics, blogging tools, digg, digg button
Labels: Blog Traffics, Blogging Tools,
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Oh my god, just now i log in mybloglog and try to view those new members who have join mybloglog recently, and i found this!

After that i think this is nothing la...maybe just 20 spammers only... Then i click on NEXT button and i found....

And so on so on until 118 pages.

I definitely SHOCK with this! Mybloglog full with 35 x 118 = 4130 spammers (at least)!! The id are blogger273213 or sexycuties798734, Who did this? Opss... i need to contact ERIC now!
Keep updated BLogging Secret for FREE.
Technorati Tags: mybloglog, tech news
Hi to all my dear readers, i have some good news to share with! Text Link Ads just paid me via paypal 4days ago! This is my 1st online income, so i'm very excited of it!
Here is the detail:
What a surprise from Text Link Ads since many of ads company broke recently. One of them is ads!
So if anyone still showing their ads on your blog, i advise you to delete it, it's totally USELESS! I will show more review of which ads company can pay us and with is not!
In short, Text Link Ads still alive, i recommended,Text Link Ads, no doubt!
To keep update on with company can make money or not, join it's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blogging revenue, Textlinkads
Labels: Blogging Revenue, Text-Link-Ads
Thursday, February 1, 2007
I don't like to spend money to invest, but i like to invest my time!
So far the best blogger 3.0 template functionality is NEO, but the coolest design template i have not found out yet!
What about a cool comment box, can we have it? Can we design something like a website? Can a blog fastest than NEO? How long will exist? Will we need to spend money for hosting our blog?
Technorati Tags: blogger v.30, blogspot, life log
Labels: Blogger 3.0, Life Log
Hello to all, after i using kubrick themes, i feel that no very satisfy with it, don't know why. May the functionality of my blog not perfect, the layout need to redesign, make me feel to change this blog template again, maybe!
After Hackosphere launch The Fastest Blog In The World, NEO, ramani out of his way for a while(or maybe long long time). That is a damn waste to all of us. He is the starting point of blogging secret, but now i need to continue alone....
NEO stlye is too fast, until make me....( drive fast, die fast), don't know, that feeling is very good for being a reader, loading time is just in second!
The demo and showcase of NEO:
click HERE
The price of neo just as low as $10 usd only. But if any wanna have NEO, you may contact me via email, You may get rebate if you buy 2 NEO from me!
I still finding a way to improve blogspot, but still out of ideas, do you have any?
Get updated Blogging Secret,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blogger v.30, blogspot, templates, new blogger, blogger hacks, new blogger hacks, new blogger templates, new blogger template, blogger beta, kubrick
Hi to all, recently i get a comment that blogging secret out of topic. But now i need to sound out my voice, i'm not out of topic, i'm not OUT of blogging secret!
Everything that i post in blogging secret is related to blogging! When you blogging, do you need PR? PR is not important for blogging? Is that PR not a part of blogging? If you have a blog, but google dont like you, how far can you go?
Is that introduce some site are not helping blogging? That's not a secret? Believe me, everthing is related!
Recently i'm super busy with working, study and a bunches of assignments! Do you think i do have toturial to share with? I have nearly 20 post keep it in my account, just need to wait for me to complete it, then post!
I really wish my readers to be patient. I will show you the most important post then some useful tutorial when i have time! Another surprise will coming out soon it you keep coming back to blogging secret recently, 100%!
You may keep updated my blog with email,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blogger v.30, blogspot, new blogger, blogger beta
Labels: Life Log
Blogging,Tutorials,Tricks,Technology,Reviews,Gadgets,Tips and Make Easy Money Online.