Saturday, December 30, 2006
Is that Text Link Ads available for blogger? The answer is YES! Text Link Ads now is the next income source for a blogger like me! Thanks Text Link Ads!
I wait for so long, at last, blogger can earn from it too. If you wanna earn some from Text Link Ads, better you convert classic blogger to the new version of blogger or blogger v3.0 NOW! Patrick Gavin had strongly advise to do it so. You may check it from Text Link Ads!
Not yet register? Click HERE. (We keep it secret first since Patrick Gavin from Text Link Ads not done their launch yet! shh...!)
I wish all of my readers, visitor and all the human in the world, happy new year!
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blogging revenue, Textlinkads, blogger v.30, blogspot, new blogger, blogger beta
Labels: Blogger 3.0, Blogging Revenue, Blogging Tools
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Ho ho ho...oh my dear readers and visitors, christmas just past and now new year are coming soon. For this coming new year, i wish all the good heart people can have a good health and heart.
So for the blogging tools of year 2006, the result as below.
1.It's FREE.(anything i join always free,hehe!)
2.Increase rate of returning of readers.
3.Readership tools.
If you wish your readers coming back, register it here.
1.It's FREE.
2.Keywords tracker.
3Traffics tracker.
Google Analytics tells you everything you want to know about how your visitors found you and how they interact with your site. Focus your marketing resources on campaigns and initiatives that deliver ROI, and improve your site to convert more visitors.
Another great FREE service from GOOGLE. I have use this and i very happy of their service! Thanks google!
Cool service!Not yet register? Click HERE.
1.It's FREE.
2.Money Machine genarator.
3.Awesome service.
A blog is your easy-to-use web site, where you can quickly post thoughts, interact with people, and more. All for FREE.
This is just my credit to blogger. No Blogger, No Me Today! I make some money from him and now i very thanks to their kindness of service! Keep it Up!
You are not using blogger? Register HERE.
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: top 3, blogging secret, blogging tools, awesome
Labels: Blogging Tools, Tech News
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Dear my readers, why we need to bookmarking? If sometime we reading a article, then you feel you wanna share with others, then you bookmark it under your bookmarklet. My favourite bookmarklet is Digg, then google and follow by delicious.
What a bookmarklet can do?
1.As i mention, you can share your favourite article or post with other user all around the world.
2.This can boost traffic by bookmark your favourite post or article.
3.A link from a digg, will increase your pr rank, since digg have pr6.
Wish all my readers and visitors happy merry christmas.
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blog traffics, blogging tools, digg
Labels: Blogging Tools
Friday, December 22, 2006
So my visitors and readers now is the most excited moments! After the review and rating for this 3 months. Here is the result!
I will start from top 3 to top 1.
1.It's FREE to join.
2.No personal detail requiry!
3.It's 100% owned by member!
AGLOCO™ is a global community, whose owners are its Members (you and potentially the millions of internet users out there). Their goal is to capture a significant portion of the value generated by our online activities and return it to Members in cash. Best of all, it is totally free, Members will NEVER have to pay anything, nor will they have to disclose ANY personal information!
How does this work? Once you sign up on their website, when available you will be able to download the Viewbar software, a free toolbar-sized application (half the size of a traditional Windows tool bar) that quietly sits on your desktop without ever hampering your online habits. That’s all you need to do! Just continue using the Internet as you used to... no need to change your habits!
It's that awesome?COOL!Not yet a member? Sign up HERE.My Refferer ID=BBBK6343
1.It's FREE.
2.You can connect with your readers or authors.
3.Another way to genarate traffics.
Readers can become friends with other people who read your favorite blogs. See what else they're reading. Check out their MySpace and Friendster profiles and view their Flickr photostreams. Authors can learn more about their readers individually and as a group. What do they like and what are they ignoring? What are they reading elsewhere on the Web?
MyBlogLog enables you to take advantage of your existing presence on the Web and ties it into communities of like-minded readers and authors to add context to the conversations in which you take part.
If you wanna join my communities, click HERE. Are you mybloglog member? Sign up HERE.
You can check my post about adgridwork,and aprreciation for adgridwork. Why i give top 1?
1.It's 100% FREE.
2.Google Adsense friendly.
3.Create traffic.
This brand new service attempts to redefine traditional pay-per-click/CPM advertising. Our goal is to create a free community of advertisers that serve ads and promotions for one another. Our service is based entirely on the notion of sharing and community, therefore you only need to actively participate to be a member. No Pay-per-clicks, No CPMs, No Payments, EVER!. Just 100%, uncensored, free promotion for your website, product, business or blog. Period.
If you not yet register or sign up yet, please click HERE. Is this worth for top1? I do believe,how about you?
Any comment for this post a very appreciated and have a great Christmas this year. Thank you!
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: top 3, blogging secret, blogging tools, awesome, newest service
Labels: Blogging Tools, Tech News
Dear my readers, since i'm happy today(readerships rise to 60+ readers),so i give you another toturial about paypal button! Catch me now! Why need paypal button? This also another types of revenue too!
So you may try to collect Donation. Sometimes, if you feel that your post in your blog is worth for getting donation, then, you can try to put the Donation button under the post you wrote. People will pay you if they think that your post is worth for certain amount.
So here we go:
1.Login into your Paypal account.
2.Click on the Merchant Tools tab.
3.On the left sidebar, click on the Website Payments Standard.
4.On the left sidebar again, just under the Website Payments Standard, click on the “Feature List”.
5.Just under “Payment Processing Options”, find Donation and click on “Set it up”.
6.Soon, you will proceed to this page:
7.Fill up your Donation Name/Service.
8.You may choose your own Donation ID or you can leave this blank.
9.Leave the Donation Amount blank so that readers can decide the amount they are willing to donate.
10.Leave the select a country unselect so you can get donation from world wide unless you want only a country to donate for you then choose a country, I prefer 1st method!lol!
11.After that you can choose the donation image you like or choose the default donation image.
12.Then, it is advisable to click No for the encryption.
13.Now click Create Button Now.
14.Finally, just copy and paste the html code to your blog or site.
SO now is what i waiting for, if you feel that this tutorial is useful, you can donate to me by click on below button, hehe.
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blog revenue, blogging tools, paypal, paypal button
Labels: Blogging Tools
Thanks to all my friends who keep asking me how to put the sosial bookmarking below the post, then here is the tutorial! Credit to Hans.
1.First of all,make sure you make a back up copy of your blog.
2.Go to template > edit HTML > Expand widget template and paste this line before </head>:
3.Find the following line of code in your template:
and replace it with the code from this file (right-click and save).Save your template and there you go!
You can replace the icons with icons of your own choice. You have to change the links between the <img src="" />-tags to accomodate for that. You could also change the text that is displayed, by downloading the js-file, and changing the string-array to the values you like.
But I am sure that with this way out for you, most of you will be able to work it out.
If you need help, please let me know!
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
You also can have google bookmarklet now!Below is the code:
Technorati Tags: blog traffics, blogging tools, bookmarklet, social bookmarking
Labels: Blogging Hacks, Blogging Tools
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Dear my readers,after my post "My readers,what you wish to know?", i found out that still got a lot people lost in the blogging world. So this post is just a guide for those not really familiar with blogging world! Top 3 free services that you must join when you just entering to blogging world?
Joining Feedburner
1.Why is feedburner first? It's because after we post, feedburner will help us "burn the content" or other meaning is help us deliver the contents on the web. Beside that, their feed service can let reader join your readership, remember, returning readers maybe are your customers! Of course,after you post,it's help you auto ping!
2.Some fact of feedburner
Total feeds: 506,278
Number of publishers: 301,831
Number of subscribers across all FeedBurner feeds: 28,709,530
Number of podcast and videocast feeds: 82,292
Number of subscribers to podcast and videocast feeds: 6,180,957
Number of subscriptions reachable by the FeedBurner Ad Network: 13,744,715
Number of made-up words on this site: 3
3.Where to register?HERE
4.After you join feedburner, make sure you activate those service (this is what i did, you follow the the tick beside each service that is use inside the below picture):
Optimize section
Publicize section
After this, you may more understand those service!
Joining Technorati
1.Why must join technorati? Because it's also free service!lolz. This is also for you to have a nice ranking when you have a link back from other blogs! Do you see my sidebar have a technorati rank? You want this widget? HERE.
2.Where to register? HERE.
Joining MyBlogLog
1.And again, why join MyBlogLog? For your information, most of my traffic and my friends is come from MyBlogLog! Wow...surprise? Why MyblogLog can attract a numbers of traffics since it show us the detail of the readers, activities and what kind of blog user they are.
2.Where to join? HERE.
You also can join my blogging secret communities by click HERE. You are always welcome!
I will intro more free service items when i free later! Wish this help!
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: top 3, blogging secret, blogging tools, awesome, free stuff, free
Labels: Blogging Tools
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Don't be surprise with the post title, this is a good news actually, blogger in beta is now official graduate!
The new version of Blogger in beta is dead!
Long live the new version of Blogger!
Now is call The New Version Of Blogger, for more detail,click here.
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blogger v.30, blogspot, new blogger, blogging secret, blogging, blogger beta
Labels: Tech News
Dear my readers, do you hear hackosphere before? Since now is The New OF Blogger, hackosphere also have make the next evolution version. This is a MUST see blog of the year 2006! Before the end of 2006, hackosphere make a big move for The New Version Of Blogger evolution!
The owner of the blog, is call ramani, a system software engineer, and also one of my blogging master, have create a cool blog,damn cool blog! I rate 10/10, this worth for what he do for us.
What inside the blog? The latest hack for The New Version Of Blogger! What is the best part in his blog? SUPER SUPER SUPER FAST RELOAD TIME! Just click and the content come out in mili second!
But about "post a comment" section,still need for few seconds, if this improve, only one word can i give, PERFECT!
Is this cool? You check it out the new evolution of The New Version Of Blogger from his blog,HACKOSPHERE!
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blogger v.30, blogspot, new blogger, blogging secret, template, hackosphere
Labels: Blogging Hacks, Tech News
Monday, December 18, 2006
Dear my readers,today i thinking of what really you wanna know? Since i have post more than 30 posts so far, and i get 48 readers, everyday around 60-100 visitors, and now i would like to ask you what you wish to know? What secret that you wanna know?
And here i wish all of my readers and bloggers Merry Christmas Please leave a message to me here. I would be very appreciate!
How you respond to me? Just click on post a comment and write your message to me! Can ask any secret about blogging, no problem! Let we see what is the respond HERE, and i respond back to you soon!
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Labels: Blogging Tools
Saturday, December 16, 2006
How I was displaying adsense ads only on post (item) pages and inside the post i.e. in the beginning and the end of each post? After i ask vivek, finally he come out the tutorial for this topic.Here we go, this is the tutorial from his blog(since i very lazy today to write the tutorial):
First let me acknowledge the sources from which I learnt some essential adsense tricks for Blogger Beta:
The lazy of me thanks to vivek who faster than me to write this post, his post here.
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blogger v.30, blogspot, new blogger, blogging secret, blogging hacks, blogger beta, adsense
Labels: Adsense Secrets, Blogging Hacks, Blogging Tools
Dear my readers,after i post FREE Content Targeted Advertising Like Google Adwords and Adgridwork now is AdSense FRIEND!, few days ago I'm really surprise that adgridwork topsite listed me in the top 10 list.Wow.....there have few thousand blog join this but my blog ranked top 5.
Thanks Adgridwork, wish you will be the biggest community soon. If you also wish to join, click here.
Click below picture to enlarge
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blogger v.30, blogspot, new blogger, blogging secret, adgridwork
Labels: Tech News
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Ultimate Adsense Guide Part3-New Method To Put Adsense In Between Post
13 responses Posted by LOUI$$ at 03:08After all my hardwork to display adsense in our blog by removing the comment tag from the google adsense code, it's work, and now i found out some method from blogger digest how to display adsense code that would not be against TOS directly.
Before this i removing <!-- and //--> from the original Google Adsense code will solve the problem of displaying Google Adsense in Beta Blogger. But it is against the Google Adsense TOS.
Here is another method but low risk. Instead of tampering the Google Adsense code and against the TOS, why don't use the same trick as Beta Blogger?
Now we just need to replace the <!-- and //--> as <!-- and //-->, that's it,done.
To those who already follow my first method, now you just need to add back <!-- and //-->.
While the Beta Blogger post content page shown in web browser, take a look at the page source code, that the Google Adsense code shown is exactly same as the original Google Adsense code!Thanks ken!
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blogger v.30, blogspot, new blogger, blogging secret, blogging hacks, blogger beta, adsense
Labels: Adsense Secrets
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Ultimate Adsense Guide Part2-Wrapped Adsense Around Post(Beta)
7 responses Posted by LOUI$$ at 01:09After doing a guide for Ultimate Adsense Guide-Put Adsense in Between The Post(Beta), now i come back again with part 2. After my experiment,I have come to the conclusion that wrapping around your blog post to the Adsense advertisement generates a higher click thru rate. The use of wider ads like 336 x 280 works best. Blending ads to your background color and removing the borders gives higher click thru rate.
Many readers are asking me, how were you able to wrap around your blog post to the Google Adsense? Simple, just follow the following steps.
First, don't need bother about the amount of post to display, since it auto adjusted.
Now go to Settings > Formatting and set Enable Float Alignment to No.
Then, insert the following code on your template just after the <div class='post-header-line-1'/>
<div style="float: left;">
(tutorial for modify click here)
(You may change left to any position you like,that's it.)
Then, save your blog. If you followed all my instructions, you'll be able to see your Google Adsense on any page on your blog, just like the one I have right now here at the time of this writing.
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blogger v.30, blogspot, new blogger, blogging secret, blogging hacks, blogger beta, adsense
Labels: Adsense Secrets
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Hello my reader,take note to you all who are using Adsense. Too
Many times, there are lot of people who get their accounts banned for some reason or the other(or no reasons at all), and the entire money they made is washed away. Well, in my opinion this is because of some mistakes from the publisher's side, which many aren't either aware of or aren't bothered about simply.
Once you have done a mistake, then Google quite happily to ban you. This is the reason why it is mostly abused by the banned publishers.
Here are a list of things that will help you to get banned by google.
Don't ever read theGoogle TOS and know well aware of it.
Click on your adsand use a proxy.(Google sure happy to earn easy money from you.SO GOOD)
Post anything on your blog/forum - prompting visitors to click on the ads.
Even if you have a forum running and you must have a post that said - "Please help us and click the ads", don't worry, you google is an "old uncle", delete that post after a times -google found you?- never since they are few children work with google and better forget about cached pages.
MUST ambitious on your revenues - those probloggers took much time till they earned $999 per day - you have only started, and you can do it too, just rush and fast.
MUST log in to AdSense account from different ip's say your office or a cyber cafe.
Google never watches this and your good luck, there is a banned publisher at your office/cybercafe already - don't worry, there won't know this.
write anything in those posts.
Just relaxed when you make a post in those adsense help forums, if you have proven your black hat SEO techniques in the forum with posts on "how to cheat google" and leave your blogs link right at the signature, then you are done!(Easy to track you)
MUST ask your friends via messenger/email to click on your ads.
Google never keeps track of the ip ranges from where click is generated, and if found that they are all from the same range of ips - then they won't do anything on your account!
MUST ask your subscribers/visitors to click on the ads through email.
They may be too honest and while trying to help you, and i sure they will do it's good.
Believe in all those "AdSense Empire,Get rich overnight,Make your website a cash cow" strategies and e-books(Man, if they knew how to do it, that why they selling the book to you.)
TOP 10
Do not use click monkeys or any other click generator program - they simply don't work.
I very sure you will get ban soon after you use this method provided by me!Original from here and i modify it.lolz!
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blogger v.30, blogspot, new blogger, blogging secret, google adsense, adsense
Labels: Adsense Secrets, Tech News
Monday, December 11, 2006
Thanks to all my reader and all those blogger who support me all the way. I now trying to built a blog for free blogging stuff. I recently wanna change my slogan from "Blogging Secret" To "Blogging No More Secret",what do you think? Feel free to drop a comment in this post!Thanks.
My upcoming posts will be related on FREE blogging tools around us and how to optimize it! Stay with Blogging Secret!
Technorati Tags: blogger v.30, blogspot, new blogger, blogging secret
Labels: Tech News
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
After i complete my first One Click and Link To ME,now i provide another one click widget installation for search box here!Why i can do a widget for search box? It's because it requires no javascript or customization!
The my link widget allows you to link me from your blog. Just click the button below to install it on your Blog.
The Search widget allows you to search your blog. Just click the button below to install it on your Blog.
The translation drop-down widget allows you to tranlate your blog to 14 langauges. Just click the button below to install it on your Blog.Credit to Amit Argawal.
Thhis is one of the Creative Commons license widget allows you to protect your blog or site under CC license. Just click the button below to install it on your Blog.
The Flickr widget allows you to put Flickr to your blog. Just click the button below to install it on your Blog.Credit to Hoctro.
The Recent Comments widget allows you to put Recent Comments to your blog. Just click the button below to install it on your Blog.Credit to Hackosphere.
*Take NOTE(You need to change the blog URL to yours. You could also change the number of comments/letters per comment to whatever fits your blog. Then, save the changes and move the widget to wherever you want. There, you have a customized recent comments widget).
The Recent Posts widget allows you to put Recent Posts to your blog. Just click the button below to install it on your Blog.Credit to Hans.
*Take NOTE(You need to change the blog URL to yours. You could also change the number of posts/letters per post to whatever fits your blog. Then, save the changes and move the widget to wherever you want. There, you have a customized recent posts widget).
The Technorati Rank widget allows you to put Recent Posts to your blog. Just click the button below to install it on your Blog.Credit to PurpleMoggy.
*Take NOTE(You need to change the blog URL to yours. There, you have a technorati rank widget).
You can use all widgets and downloads,of course,it's FREE (since my blogging secret is from nothing to something!) as long as you give credits on your site to Blogging Secret. All downloads and widgets have been tested for Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox. If you notice any problems, please report them as a comment.
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blogger v.30, blogging tools, new blogger, blogging secret, blogging hacks, blogger beta, widgets
Labels: Blogging Hacks, Blogging Tools
Dear my readers,another great news here.After i posted FREE Content Targeted Advertising Like Google Adwords 2 days ago,then nick from Adgridwork inform me that now Adgridwork is Adsense FRIENDLY!Check it here.
Since this can be display with Google Adsense then i have sign up it.You can see it from my top sidebar or below!
You wanna have this to?I will provide a guide in my next post if got anyone request.Thanks adgridwork!
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,It's FREE.
Labels: Tech News
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Dear my reader,i have create a hack to make you easily to link to my blog by just one click!It's this nice?Then we go on...Before we continue,you can learn it from here first.You can see it from my sidebar.This hack is inspired by Hoctro,Google Translation Widget.How it's work?If someone wanna create a link to you site,they just need to click on the button,then a new widget with your button will be create.
How to do it?
Step 1
Have your own link button 1st.You can create it from cooltext.Goto your dashboard, Template->Page Elements and click "Add a Page element". Choose the Html/Javascript option.
Then you copy the below codes and paste it in the content section.

Just 3 steps, then you are done.What are you waiting for?HACK IT NOW!
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,it's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blogger v.30, blogging tools, new blogger, blogging secret, blogging hacks, blogger beta, widgets
Labels: Blogging Hacks, Blogging Tools
Monday, December 4, 2006
Dear my lovely reader, here is another useful keywords for Google publishers like us, we should know that some keywords can get to $15.00-$18.00 per click.The keywords list i provide here is not about xxx, but related to Online Degrees,I am sure this isn’t the most expensive one but have a look at these keywords prices.
These high prices mean that advertiser pay good money for attracting visitors interested in these topics and also means that someone will get high payout from any existent Google ads on his page too if have this keyword in their site.
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Total:200 keywords.
To get more updated for blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now,it's FREE.
Technorati Tags: blogging tools, keywords, blogging secret, adsense, adsense keyword, most expensive keywords
Labels: Adsense Secrets, List Of Secrets
Good news for all my reader,now Adgridwork just launched its new service to help bloggers to promote their sites by advertising on other websites through content targeted ads. You know Google Adwords advertising? It's definitely same but this service is FREE, you don't have to pay to serve content targeted ads on other websites. Is this interesting?Woo....
We want to create a community of businesses, blogs and start ups that all need to advertise their product without spending a dime! And how will we pull this off? Sharing. Its simple, we will serve your ads on targeted and related websites, if you in turn display ads for other users. Think about it as old-school Banner Exchange with a middle-man (us) to take care of the ad serving, coding, metrics, and other technical stuff. Better yet, think BitTorrent for ad distribution: You serve ads for other users and they serve them for you. - adGridWork
What is content targeted ads?
Content targeted ads means ads that are only shown on the websites where have the similar related keywords to your ads. First, the adGridWork system will analyse the website which is going to show ads with keyword density. If the keyword of the website suits your ads keyword, you ads will be shown on that website.I have try it on my old blog,it's very easy!
This is the example ads shown by adGridWork. You can click on it to enlarge it. But, now, adGridWork only offers 7 different ads layout such as 800X90, 600X90, 400X90, 200X90, 200X360, 200X270, and 200X180. According to adGridWork, there will be more ads layout coming out soon.
1.It's FREE!
2.You could reach my targeted audience without requiring any work on you!
3.It's did what Google Adwords did!(fantastic!)
1.It's FREE!!(Pull a lot new customer away from Google Adwords,LOL^^)
2.Cannot display adsense.(against TOS)
3.Not many website join this program yet since it just started for 4days!(OMG,hurry up to register!!)
Inconclusion,this is system suit for new blogger who thirsty for traffics. What are you waiting for?Join it now!
UPDATE:Now you can use it with adsense!!Check it here.
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Labels: Blogging Tools
Feedburner just launched their new service where its users can customize their own Headline Animators. Instead of using the two classical design, you now can design your own attractive Headline Animator. I do believe this can attract more reader to click on your headline animator.
You can see from the pic that how easy to use this interface. So,what you waiting for? Design your own Headline Animator now.
To get more blogging secret and tips on this blog,Subscribe it now.
Technorati Tags: blogging tools, new blogger, blogging secret, feedburner
Labels: Blogging Tools
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