Monday, December 11, 2006

Thanks to all my reader and all those blogger who support me all the way. I now trying to built a blog for free blogging stuff. I recently wanna change my slogan from "Blogging Secret" To "Blogging No More Secret",what do you think? Feel free to drop a comment in this post!Thanks.

My upcoming posts will be related on FREE blogging tools around us and how to optimize it! Stay with Blogging Secret!

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  1. Vivek Sanghi said...
    "Blogging Secrets" sounds better. "Blogging no more secret" makes it too long and people may not add the whole name in the linklists thus creating confusion.
    Anonymous said...
    Thanks buddy to give me your opinion. After i think for 2 days,it's better to continue use Blogging Secret.But i need to make a new logo,since new years are coming soon!
    Anonymous said...
    Your blog title is fine for me. Redesign your logo? Great! I think you will do a better one. I will surely continue the support. Your blog really offers a lot for us bloggers.
    LOUI$$ said...
    Thanks to your support,we cheer togahter!

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