Monday, April 30, 2007
Unlimited SMS for everyone. No kidding. Your phone have no more credit, how do you send SMS ? So Mobik be here for you. I love this one. I send SMS to anyone I like,my cousin at Singapore, my friend in Thailand or anyone I like.
Mobik server as an application to send FREE SMS to from your internet to anyone in the world. You wanna just it? Then just register create a free account and you will save a lot money via SMS for FREE.
The bad thing is, when you send SMS to your friend, they won't know that is you, because the SMS won't show up the number, except Mobik. :)
Another thing before you use this free service, make sure Mobik's advertising sponsors are around your region. Enjoy it.
Technorati Tags: Freebie
Labels: Freebie
You don't believe it? do you know that you can make easy money online now? How? With a blog of course. I will show how you can make your first $7.50 and get a PR5 link back to your blog for free!:-o Is this deal too good? ;)
If you haven't participate with PayPerPost yet, here is the win win situation for you. You just need to review my blog, you will get a link back from this blog for free. To review my blog, please click REVIEW THIS BLOG NOW, after approve by PayPerPost you will get $7.50 credit in you paypal. Sound like interesting right? ;)
So before you proceed, is that my PR5 blog link will help you? Absolutely. Here is my personal experiment on my other blog with just a link from this blog and get google pr2 with 8 posts in the blog. Please check my pr2 blog backlink. . I not bluffing right? :D
Wanna Make Easy Money Online now?
So here is the new review rules:
1.Sign up to PPP review my blog.
2.After finish sign up, you can now start to write a review about my blog.
4.Once the review is done, send me an email with the URL to your review, you may use my contact form too.
3.You paypal account will your first $7.50 upon your review get approve by PPP. So you wanna make easy money online now?
**Take NOTE
Every review must link to this post and the blog home page using the anchor text “make easy money online.” Here’s an example of what I want.
Blogging Secret is a blog that helps you make easy money online. He is offering to link to your blog if you review his blog.
You are free to say whatever you want in the review - good or bad. You are also free to link to any articles I’ve written as part of the review. Other then this, please follow PPP term & Condition.
If you have join PPP before, you still able to write a review for my blog and get a pr5 link back. :D
As you love to make easy money online, I recommend more opportunity for you to maximize your income:
1. Make easy money online with Text Link Ads, you will earn $25 per referral. For more information about text link ads and registration form, please to click here.
2. Make easy money online with DealDotCom, earn 35% affiliate prgram for your entire life, you can earn from 2 tiers. For more information how you can make money from DealDotCom, please to click here.
3. Get easy blog traffics with Blog Rush, you can multiple your traffics just put their widget into your blog. How you can get a ton of traffics? Then please visit blog rush now for more detail and watch their video.
Technorati Tags: linkback, blogging revenue, blogging tools, make easy money online
Labels: Blogging Revenue, Make Money Online, Review My Blog
Sunday, April 29, 2007
This post is for my fellow friends who asking for digg button display in their post. Digg button will show up on every single post you have in your blog. (Like Blogging Secret)
You just need to do 3 steps.
Go to your blog template> Edit HTML> expand the widgets> and check for this line:
replace with this code:
<!-- DIGG -->
<div style='float:right; margin-left:10px;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
digg_url = '<data:post.url/>';
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
Click on Save Template. Done!
So do you love this digg button? lol
Technorati Tags: digg, blogging tutorial, blogging tools, blogging hack
Labels: Blogger Tricks, Blogging Hacks, Blogging Tools,
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Another hot stuff around the net is Feed My Feed. If you wanna fill your feed with readers, here is the right place for you to start and build the links.
The idea is simple: You want readers and you want linkbacks too because that’s all us bloggers want, it’s more precious than water for some. :D
So what do you do?
Copy the list down below on your blog, therefore creating linkbacks for your blogging friends and then click the RSS feed link to subscribe to all of them. Add yourself and up to 3 other blogs and their feeds to the list before you post it. As it spreads hopefully you will see an increase. I’ve already added most of these blogs to my feeds, so I am a step ahead of you.
My Adds To Respect
- Subscribe to BobmeetsWorld
- Subscribe to BloggingSecret
- Subscribe to LifeisRisky
- Subscribe to Thoughtsfrommylife
- Subscribe to CountRamblings
- Subscribe to TheThinkingBlog
- Subscribe to NotsoBoringLife
- Subscribe to DoshDosh
- Subscribe to KumikosCashQuest
- Subscribe to Fuery
- Subscribe to JohnChow
- Subscribe to Sean-Dinner
- Subscribe to BrownBaron
- Subscribe to EverydayWeekender
- Subscribe to BenSpark
- Subscribe to DotSauce Domain Magazine
The rest is up to you guys, Feed and get Fed ya!
Technorati Tags: feed, blogging traffic, linkback
Labels: Blog Traffics, Feedburner
First of all, I wanna congratulation to all those get their pr update now. Blogging Secret still maintain at pr 5. And one of my blog, got pr 2 with only 1 links from my blog when I post the link in Adsense Miracle!!! They Accept Me Again!!! This is the only link I link to it. So amazing, pr 2 with less than 10 posts.
Is this the power of pr5? How about pr6 and above? If I get pr6 in next update, how much do you think i can make? I can't imagine now.
But Page Rank is not everything for a blog or website, the most important is Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP). Well, come to this topic, I think I need another 2 weeks to do analysis from other expert and write a clear article for the SERP tutorial. Stay tune!
Technorati Tags: google PageRank
Labels: Google PR
Friday, April 27, 2007
Once while visiting a very rich friend, the maid approached me and this is the conversation:
Question : "What would you like to have ..Fruit juice, Soda, Tea, Chocolate, Capuccino, Frapuccino,or Coffee?"
Answer: " Tea please"
Question : " Ceylon tea, Indian tea, Herbal tea,Bush tea, Honey bush tea, Iced tea or green tea ?"
Answer: "Ceylon tea "
Question : "How would you like it ? black or white ?
Answer: "white"
Question : "Milk, or fresh cream?
Answer: "With milk "
Question : "Goat's milk, or cow's milk"
Answer: "With cow's milk please.
Question : " Freezeland cow or Afrikaner cow?"
Answer: " Um, I'll just take it black. "
Question : " Would you like it with sweetener, sugar or honey?"
Answer: "With sugar"
Question : " Beet sugar or cane sugar?"
and so on.... I lazy go there anymore, his maid service too good until take 30 minutes to drink just a cup of tea.
Thanks Ming
Do you have this situation before? lol
Technorati Tags: funny, rich
Labels: Funny
You now can be a six figure income blogger, do you believe it or not? In this world, smart working is the secret. You have any make money secret?
Image: DP
Darren, please give me your writing skill! I wanna be like you too! lol
Technorati Tags: six figure income, blogging revenue, tips
Labels: Quick Guide For New Blogger
Thursday, April 26, 2007
This is another long run for this $10 post I done it 30 days ago. I receive the payment yesterday. About their task, I not really satisfy with the system. Their homepage is cool, but the sub page is lame. Compare to Sponsored Reviews, sorry, Blogvertise wont able beat them.
Here is the picture of the payment:
If you really too desperate of making money, then just give it a try. Blogvertise is not a scam! Lol
Technorati Tags: blogvertise, blogging revenue
Labels: Blogging Revenue, Payment Proof
I just find out the reason of why my recent posts and comments doesn't for 2 days. It's because of the blogger feeds are broken! Thanks to Pete, the coolest blogger developer just still fixing the problem. So all of you don't need to worry too much, just pray and watch.
I get this info from my bro, Ramani. He will release his priceless NEO template for FOC. OMG....This is what I'm wait for so....long! So remember subscribe to my feed NOW, I will update more secret for you, yes, only you. ;-) :-D :D
Technorati Tags: blogger, update, freebie
Labels: Blogger 3.0, Freebie
Here is a quick update, sorry for the delay of the linkback, due to some personal reason.
Here is another 3 reviews:
3. Make Myself Extra Cash
4. BetshopBoy
If you wanna review me now, I will auto list in this list, right away you send the review link for me. You don't know how to do this? Then read the linkback rules here.
Some small update,my feed is going full feed, so what you waiting for? I worry if you miss the link, and I use this button to make sure you will see it.
I just add a link, thanks!
Technorati Tags: money, blogging revenue, linkback
Labels: Review My Blog
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Thanks to Nuffnang, Asia’s first blog advertising community is giving out free tickets to Pirates of Caribbean 3 (are they premier tickets?) to the first 250 bloggers that write in a blog entry with the title “Why is the rum gone?". This free ticket only for Malaysian. So what are you waiting for?
After I watch the Wild Hogs, I'm in mood to watch movie great movie. Pirates Of Caribbean 3, my next stop!
Ticket left 246*. Thanks Nuffnang.
Technorati Tags: freebie
Labels: Freebie
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I aware that around blogshpere have a lot of exchanging deal between bloggers and bloggers. So I come out a new system called Triple X List. This will rock all of us!
How was this work? We need higher technorati ranking, traffics and reputation to survive make money online in the internet. No doubt, all of us lack of traffic, ranking and reputation include itrade (this is very important when dealing in DP).
What we will do here?
1. Fave Xchange.
2. Stumble Xchange.
3. Rep Xchange.
What can you get here?
Blogging traffic, blogging traffic and blogging traffic.
I know all of us need traffic, but where can we get it? Of course, from social bookmarking, others blog or advertising. I have prepare all this just for new and old bloggers.
Below is the Triple X games rules.
***Start Copying Here***
Here are the rules:
1. Write a short introduction paragraph about what how you found the list and include a link to the blog that referred you to the list.
2. COPY the Rules and ENTIRE List below and post it to your blog. To avoid duplicate content and increase the amount of keywords your site can accessible for, go ahead and change the titles of the blog.
3. Remember to also add the “Fave X” link next to your new blogs (i.e.
5.Please FAVE, STUMBLE and REP EVERYONE in this post comment list. Please follow the instruction.
6. Rep X mean we exchange reputation in DP after finish the Fave X. You please go to Digital Point at this thread and drop a comment. We rep and itrade each other at there.
7. Leave a comment with web site address, your fave link, your StumbleUpon username and your Digital Point username in this post. I will then go to your page and return the favor.
Your comment format should look like this.
1. Fave X
<a href="">Click here to Add me to your Technorati Favorites</a>
2. Stumble X
StumbleUpon username:
3. Rep X
DP username:
8. Everyone can apply as many blog, account they have, as long as all the figure are balance. Example: If you 5 blogs, then your StumbleUpon username also must have 5 accounts, DP username also must have 5 accounts too. You must make it balance.
Believe it, Team Work is POWER! You will see your traffic, reputation and technorati fave boost your website like a superstar.
***End Copying Here***
So now you do me a favor and I will give you back, below is my detail:
1. Fave X
Click here to Add me to your Technorati Favorites
2. Stumble X
StumbleUpon username: louislim2
3. Rep X
DP username: louislim2
If you start similar exchange project with your own blog, I would be glad if you could include a link to this post. Then people would know that there is a similar exchange going on at Blogging Secret.
List of other blogs offering Triple Xchange:
(I will link to your blog via here if you follow the rules too, nice right? )
Let start it man!
Labels: Blog Traffics
Welcome back my readers and visitors, here is another update I wanna share with you.My blog is using 3 column kubrick theme now, so if you interested to download it HERE too.
But I saw this one was 4 column kubrick theme, cool man. My friend, Mossie`Ol Chin, create this for wordpress theme.
Here is the image of four column kubrick theme:
What a good theme to support more functionality and sell more stuff in your blog. Do any blogspot or blogger have this 4 column kubrick theme? Or I just hack it out? ;)
Technorati Tags: kubrick theme, template, free
Labels: Templates
Monday, April 23, 2007
Yup, 23/04,this is my second year anniversary with my X, but unfortunately, we break up a week ago because she change her mind in just a second. Never mind, just forget about her. What is the interesting part here is I go out with friend to watch a movie in TGV, The Mines.
Guest what? I watch NO.1 comedy movie in Cinema, WILD HOGS! Do you know what happen to me? I laugh from the beginning of the story till the end! I laugh until stomach pain... Laugh is the best medicine for a heart breaker like me. So you're not really happy recently? Do you like to watch comedy movie? Then is the one you MUST WATCH! It's extremely entertaining and funny English movie I have even watch before. Mostly I watch Stephen Chow, he is my MOST time favarote actor in my life (I darn love it!).
SO here is some of the synopsis of the story:
John Travolta, Tim Allen, Martin Lawrence, William H. Macy, Marisa Tomei, Ray Liotta act in this movie. Wild Hogs is about a group of middle-aged friends decide to rev up their routine suburban lives with a freewheeling motorcycle trip. Taking a long awaited break from their stressful jobs and family responsibilities, they can't wait to feel the freedom of the open road. When this mis-matched foursome - who have grown far more used to the couch than the saddle - set out for this once-in-a-lifetime experience, they encounter a world that holds far more than they ever bargained for.
I will give 4.5 star for this movie, it's too funny, I like it! This have inspirate me more to write blog.
If you are free, or maybe don't have friend with you watch this movie around cheras area, just send me an email, I will company you if I'm free!
Technorati Tags: wild hogs, funny
On April 30th 2007, the Blogosphere will hold a One-Day Blog Silence in honor of the victims at Virginia Tech. More then 33 died at the US college massacre.
Technorati Tags: one day silence
Labels: Weblog
Sunday, April 22, 2007
This is an update that I have receive payment from Sponsored Reviews. My previous post have mention about to be a high paid blogger right? Yes, I really mean it. Here is the proof to be a quality and high paid blogger.
Below is the payment proof make by Sponsored Reviews Last month:
This is the first time I review the amount of the payment, you guest how many post I write? I just write for 3 posts. If you write for other sponsor post like loudlaunch or payu2blog, it take you about 37 posts to get this amount. So....Why not you also be a high paid blogger too? ;)
Technorati Tags:, blogging revenue, payment proof
Labels: Blogging Revenue, Payment Proof
Due to increasing of sponsor post or article in the internet, I will encourage blogger to write only high pay post. Why? I also aware recently Payu2blog is offering $5 per post that you only to write 50 words. Yes, I get 22 posts offer from them, but I at last refuse them.
Why? Because I need to post 22 posts each link to their own website, this is not only time wasted and also decrease my ethic of being a blogger. People will think of me," why Louiss so cheap already? I come to this blog not read sponsor post la, I want informative post la...". This is the point of view as a reader.
I know that all of us desperate of making money online, but not write anything that make money with the right and balance way. In between to earn while blogging, we should control our sponsor post. If you wanna write 20 posts of sponsor this month, you better write 60 informative posts. This is 3:1 aggregate between your informative post and sponsor post. Your readers still can accept it.
If you wanna make money, I encourage you to be a high paid blogger rather than cheap paid writer. You have opinion? Just share with me in the comment section. I lovin' it!
Update: Sorry to those have review my blog, late update due to lack of review, I will post it in 2 days, please forgive me ya...
Labels: Life Log
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Ultimate Google PageRank Guide Part.2 - Free Directories Lists
6 responses Posted by LOUI$$ at 08:14This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Labels: Blog Traffics, Google PR, SEO
Friday, April 20, 2007
Do you know Google PR will update soon, very very soon? Do Google PR Important to your websites or blogs? Then what you should do now to get high google PR? So here is some guide line that i have done with Blogging Secret to get Pr5. My blog just consist of 50+ posts when the first Google Pr Update on January, 2007. I never give hope on that time, just work hard and smart, then result is unexpected, pr5. Google love me, sure will love you too.
So is this interesting? I bet you wanna have pr5 or better too right? Ok, just follow my 4 simple steps, then 99% you can get high Google PR in your "NICHES".
This is not mean just a high pr blog or website, but also the content of that blog, must relevant to your blog too. This is called quality links. How many you should have? Depend on competition, I can't say that you must have 100 links or 10 links, is base on your competitor. Like mine, only need to have 10 links or more to get high pr. Anyone wanna challenge me? :)
You can change with any blog or website. If you have 0 pr, then you may change link with any blog you like, up to you. How many link? As much as possible! Any topic, any niches. This also will help you too.
Yup, submit it too blog directory or any directory that accept you. Some are recopical, some are one way link. So is your choice too. Dont submit too much in a day, google think you are spammer too. Make it as long term SEO.
You may write a review and get a linkback from me. This is the faster method to get linkback and traffics. And is legal to do so. (Google now planning to ban Text Link Ads and ReviewMe!. Both are middle man to buy and sell links.)
I mention this around 1000 times to my readers and friends. You write in your own way, dont too bother your grammar when you start writing or blogging. Last time my blog, Business Mentor, I copy from other directories, no people like it. Why? Because that is not you, who write the article. People can now if they always come to your blog. Of course, this post grammar too bad, is my style. lolz!
Enjoy your new Google PR, enjoy your income.
Technorati Tags: digg, blogging revenue, blogging tools, blogging hack
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Hi guys, I cannot stay calm anymore, too much scam in the internet! So I get the list to show you all! Be caution, those are danger scam programs! DON'T JOIN THIS!
Al-Arabic Fund (
ABB Fund (
Asia Wallet/ASWtrader/Splitindex Inc (
AM Global Management (
BHG e-investment (
Bidvask Investment Ltd (
Buy-e-barrel (
Brentwood Trust Company (
Belton Market (
Cambridge Capital Trading
Data Saham (
Dana Futures (
Dana Modal (
E-suisse Fund (
Euro America Index (
E-Barrel (
Gold Quest/ Quest International (
Goldmill Wagner Ltd / GA Worldwide (
Global Investment Network System (
Mercury Acquisition Associates (
Montego Finance & Securities Berhad (
My Dinar (
Mind-X Solutions Sdn Bhd (
My Share (
Oregon Invest (
Pure Investor / PIPS (,
Prowealth Solutions (
Quest International (
Quest (
Remisier (
Sunshine Empire (
Swiss Mutual Fund (, *(Press Release)
Sweden Fund (
Solid Group (
Solid Investment (
Smartcash (
Sime Securities (
Starr-Bradley Associates Inc (
Tian Ping (
UeBond (
United Capital Management Inc (
Whitman Pearce & Partners (
3A Consulting Group Sdn Bhd
Source via (SC)
Technorati Tags: SCAM, blogging revenue
Labels: SCAM
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Hi guys, thank you for the support, I now wanna be a devil. Yes, I will be a money creator now, and I have a lot of thing to do. Devil will with me, it will give me anything I want. I wanna be a good devil. I will make most of thing for myself, but not rob, kill or rape......
This is my new Evil wishlist for my life:
1. Make 1 billion (include business and asset).
2. All my family member have good health (no sickness).
3. Married with my dream women (must loyal,beautiful and ... anything that a good wife should have).
4. Have a castle (my home, also can call my world).
5. Mc Laren Sportcar(the fastest and most expensive sportcar in the road).
6. Birth 2 smart and cute babys (a boy and a girl).
7. Travel to 60 countries in the world (Dont wanna go to all).
8. Do charity (anything that).
9. Give scholarship (give to students that is gifted and needed).
10.Recovery the World (reducing the polution).
Maybe be a blogger impossible archieve this result, so I will combine with virtual and unvirtual business. Devil, you take away something from me, I know you will give me something in return. At least, I can do and get more thing if I be a good devil blogger. I think, I do, and I must be a good devil blogger.
Technorati Tags: life
Labels: Life Log
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Here are the 5 reviews from season 2:
1. Whatever
2. Malaysia Love Agloco
3. David Paul Robinson
4. Mark Robinson Dot Ca
5. Write To Right
If you haven’t sent in a Make Easy Money Online review, then now is the time to do it. The rules for doing a review are very simple. You just have to link to this blog’s home page with the anchor text “make easy money online” and link to this review rules post. Here’s an example:
"Blogging Secret is a blog that helps you make easy money online. He is offering to link to your blog if you review his blog."
Other than above rules, you are free to say anything you want. I link to anyone who reviews my blog. It is a good way to get traffic and increase your search engine rankings and google PageRank.
Technorati Tags: review, linkbait
Labels: Review My Blog
Monday, April 2, 2007
OMG, yesterday Adsense accept me again after some stupid decision do by adsense to ban me. Reason: Too many Invalid click or click my own ads. I know I don't do it!But no use to argue with big giant. Yes, ban me, I repeat. After 3 months I live without Adsense and I try to reapply last week with my name and my new blog,, and get approve it!
Normally Adsense won't accept your name again after you have been baned. I not sure what happen, I really put my name and they accept me this time.
From my observation, google Adsense would not keep their baned data more than 3 months. So if you have been baned before, try to teapply again, may the miracle happen to you too!
Now I officially pround to present my MOST POPULAR POST, ULTIMATE ADSENSE GUIDE PART.1, ULTIMATE ADSENSE GUIDE PART.2 and ULTIMATE ADSENSE GUIDE PART.3 to refresh my adsense secret again.
Update: I have try some new method of the layout, now will go for single post in the homepage and I provide "RECENT POST ON BLOGGING SECRET" to refer on. (Get more page views on this:P)!
Technorati Tags: adsense, blogging revenue, adsense ban, blogging hack
Labels: Adsense Secrets, Blogging Revenue
Blogging,Tutorials,Tricks,Technology,Reviews,Gadgets,Tips and Make Easy Money Online.